The CTC Youth Survey questionnaire measures a variety of risk and protective factors (RPFs). Through extensive research, these factors have been shown to be effective predictors of drug use, delinquency, teen pregnancy, school dropout, and youth violence. By developing an understanding of the influences that lead children toward negative behaviors and the factors that buffer these influences, communities can better focus their prevention resources to achieve the maximum benefit.
In addition to the RPF framework, the CTC Youth Survey also measures reported alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, as well as a number of antisocial behaviors such as fighting, getting suspended from school, and selling drugs. These data offer an objective picture of the challenges a community faces. Analysis of these challenges can be used to focus resources and galvanize support for implementing prevention programs where they are needed most.
Click here
to view a sample CTC Youth Survey questionnaire
Rothenbach Research and Consulting (RRC) can supply communities with all the resources needed to conduct a successful CTC Youth Survey. These services include sample design, questionnaire printing and scanning, and dataset preparation. We provide logistical and technical assistance to school survey coordinators, including instruction sheets for teachers, materials for collecting questionnaires, and guidelines for complying with parental consent and respondent confidentiality requirements.
After data collection is complete, RRC supplies communities with professional-quality survey reports. In addition to a complete profile of risk and protective factor levels, substance use, and other antisocial behavior prevalence rates, each report compares a community's survey results to national averages. Normative comparisons of this type are one of the best ways of identifying the strengths a community can build on and weaknesses that must be addressed.
Click here to view a sample CTC Youth Survey report